
Number Chart

Number Chart
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Number Chart

The mathies interactive Number Chart tool includes two number charts (0-99 and 1-100), an addition chart (to 12 + 12), and a multiplication chart (to 12 x 12). Flip individual cards, rows, columns or all cards at once.

Number Chart Considerations

Mathematical Concepts:

Number charts offer versatile ways to explore numerous math skills such as:

Addition and multiplication charts provide opportunities for immediate feedback as students practise addition and multiplication facts. These charts can also be used to support students in developing and understanding various strategies for adding and multiplying.

Students’ learning can be scaffolded in different ways providing support for diverse learning needs (e.g., hide rows and columns to consider fewer cards).

Take a screenshot of your work to share with your teacher or add to a portfolio.

Connecting Fundamental Math Concepts with the mathies Number Chart

Fundamental Concepts and Skills (Link #6) Number Chart Connections
Working with numbers:
Understanding and using numbers (e.g., being able to read, represent, count, order, estimate, compare, compose, decompose, and recompose numbers).
Number charts can be used to:
  • support students in numeral recognition
  • practise counting and skip counting
  • compare numbers by considering their relative position in the chart
Recognizing and applying understanding of number properties:
Understanding how numbers behave in operations and drawing on that understanding to master math facts and perform calculations.
Number and Operation charts can be used to:
Mastering math facts:
Understanding and recalling math facts, using a variety of strategies.
Operation charts are good tools to use to practise addition and multiplication facts.
Developing mental math skills:
Doing calculations in the mind, with little or no use of paper and pencil or calculator.
Using visual tools when learning to perform mathematical operations allows students to draw on these mental models and visualizations to perform mental calculations.
The Number Chart can be used to practise a variety of strategies including:
  • decomposing numbers into friendly numbers to make calculations easier
  • compensating by adding then subtracting the same amount
Developing proficiency with operations:
Performing calculations with ease, precision, and consistency and with a general understanding of number and operations, number properties, and their appropriate application in problem solving.
Students might use the operations charts to recognize the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction (e.g., since 4 + 5 = 9, then 9 - 5 = 4) as well as the inverse relationship between multiplication and division (e.g., since 7 x 8 = 56, then 56 ÷ 7 = 8).

Connecting Fundamental Math Concepts with mathies.ca (Draft)



Counting and Numeral Recognition

Number charts can be used to support students in developing counting and numeral recognition skills.

Activities Using the Number Chart from 1-100



Number charts can be used to create a range of patterns from simple AB patterns to growing or shrinking patterns as well as to really delve into multiples. Students can use the charts to help identify, extend, and create patterns.

Patterns Using the 0-99 Number Chart
Patterns Using Either Number Chart


Activities Using Either Number Chart
Activities Using the Addition Chart top


Using one of the hundreds charts, assign a number and have the students find and flip that number and its multiples.

Activities Using the Multiplication Chart

Problem Solving

Using a Number Chart
Using the Addition Chart top


Buttons Description
Flip button for the entire chart

Flip Options

Menu for Card Flipping Options Choose between these options:
  • show the values on all the cards in the chart
  • hide the values on all the cards in the chart
  • flip all the cards in the chart
Chart type button

Chart Type Options

Chart type menu Choose between these options:
  • addition facts to 12 + 12
  • multiplication facts to 12 x 12
  • hundreds chart showing 0-99
  • hundreds chart showing 1-100
Pencil button

Draw Mode

Draw freehand by clicking and dragging.
Eraser button

Erase Mode

Erase freehand drawings and circles by dragging the eraser around the number chart.
Circle stamp button

Circle Stamp

Either show or hide a circle on cards by:
  • clicking individual cards
  • clicking and dragging over multiple cards
Recycle button


Remove all annotation (i.e., freehand drawing and circle stamps).
English buttonFrench button


Switch between English and French text.
Information button


Open a dialog with a link to this support page, a feedback form as well as copyright details and version number.
Flip Button

Flip Button

Click to flip all the cards in the corresponding row or column.

Drop down menu for flipping button

Annotation Mode

Click the pencil, eraser or circle button to enable annotation mode.
A grey mask with a yellow border appears to indicate the tool is in annotation mode.
To exit annotation mode and resume interacting with the number chart, click the x in the top right corner of the mask. Alternatively, click again on the highlighted button to exit annotation mode.

URL Parameters

URL parameters allow for the tool to be opened with certain features preset.
e.g., Click on the following link:
The Number Chart tool will open showing the French version of the 1-100 chart with all the cards face down.
Notice that the parameter section of the URL starts with a ? and can include any of the four optional parameters in any order. The symbol & must separate parameters.
Parameter Description Allowed Values
title Sets the text that appears in the browser tab title.
Default: Number%20Chart, where %20 indicates a space
Simple Text
language Determines the language setting for the tool.
Default: en (English)
  • en
  • fr
show Determines whether or not the tool opens with all the cards showing face up.
Default: true
  • true
  • false
chart Determines the type of chart.
Default: mul (multiplication chart)
  • add
  • mul
  • 99
  • 100

  1. Activity 6 of WINS: Multiplication Facts to 7 x 7 and WINS: Multiplication Facts to 9 x 9
  2. 30+ Things to Do with a Hundred Chart
  3. 0-99 or 1-100
  4. Developing Computational Proficiency with Addition and Subtraction
  5. Guess the Number
  6. Focusing on the Fundamentals of Math - A Teacher's Guide

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