

Fall 2017: This information has been updated to reflect additional drawing objects.
As each mathies tool is updated these latest annotation features will become available.

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Annotation Features
Keyboard Shortcuts
Helpful Hints
Understanding Drawing Layers
PDF Supports


Click on the pencil iconImage annotation button. found in many of the mathies learning tools to access the annotation features.
Choose the type of annotation you want to make: Freehand Drawing, Lines, Points, Shapes or Text Box.
Click and/or drag in the workspace to create the object. Clicking without dragging will generate a default sized object.
Annotation objects can be edited using the various buttons that appear around selected objects.
See the Helpful Hints below for details.

Annotation Features

Annotate Pointer

Selection Mode

Can be used to:
  • select existing annotation objects
  • select imported image
  • select tool specific objects like money, rods or grids
  • make an annotation drawing its own object (see details below)
Annotate Draw

Draw Mode

Draw freehand.
Annotate Erase

Erase Mode

Erase drawings created in draw mode.
Annotate Lines

Lines and Points

Choose between these options:
Annotate Line Options
Annotate Shapes


Choose between these options:
Annotate Shape Options
Annotate Text

Text Mode

Create a textfield.
Annotate Outline


Select the default outline colour, thickness (when available) and transparency for future annotation.
Note: These defaults will also be applied to any selected annotation in the workspace.
Annotate Fill


Select the default fill colour and transparency when available.
Note: These defaults will also be applied to any shape or textfield selected in the workspace.
Annotate Recycle


Click to remove selected items (annotation, images or tool specific objects) from the work space;
click again to remove all annotation.
Alternatively, drag items to the recycle bin to remove them.

Keyboard Shortcuts

First select an annotation object. Then, perform the desired action using the indicated key(s):

Helpful Hints

  1. In draw mode, all marks made are part of the same drawing even if you lift your pen or change ink colours.
    Click on the Selection arrow each time you want to create a separate drawing object.
    In this example, the blue roof, orange outline, and red windows and doors are each separate drawing objects.
    This means that they can be repositioned and edited separately from the rest of the drawing.
    Annotation House Layers

  2. Make changes to a previous drawing object by selecting it and clicking the pencil button that pops up below the drawing object.
    Additional drawing will then be connected to this same drawing object.
    Use the paint palette in the panel of annotation tools at the left to change the colour of the ink you wish to draw with next. (Note: this will also change the colour of any selected part of the drawing.)
    Use the paint palette that appears when the drawing is selected to change the colour of ALL parts of the selected drawing.
    Annotation House Edits

  3. The colour pickers on the panel will affect selected objects as well as future drawn items.
    Change the colour/thickness/opacity of an object on the stage by selecting it first and then making your change with the colour pickers and sliders under the object.
  4. Use the copy button to make a replica of any drawing, textbox or shape you have created. For textboxes, you can also change the text size and colour..
    Annotate text Copy Example
  5. For objects made outside of draw mode, you are immediately placed into pointer mode so that you can easily edit the object.
    You may wish to change colour, resize, rotate or reposition the object.
    Line objects can be "rotated" by dragging the end points.
    Annotation Rotation Wheel
  6. Use the steppers to customize the number line or grid. Change the label colour if desired.
    Numberline Options
  7. Use the blue button to the right of the number line to determine which parts of the number line you want to see.
    The ticks only version might be helpful when working with fractions.
    The labels only option might be helpful for labelling a grid axis.
    Annotate NumberLine Format
    When a number line is rotated or resized the number of intervals remains constant. The interval length is adjusted to fit.

  8. Customize the ruler. The interval length is a non-standard unit of measure.
    The ruler can be a helpful tool when estimating lengths of other objects in the workspace.
    Ruler Options

    When a ruler is rotated or resized the interval length remains constant. The number of intervals changes depending on the length of the ruler.

  9. Take a screenshot of your work to share with your teacher or add to a portfolio.


Understanding Drawing Layers

Creation of Drawing Objects:

Objects created from the same drawing menu are created one on top of each other
in the order that they are drawn.

The dots in this image are on top of the number line because both types of objects
are found in the same menu AND the number line was drawn first.
Line Options Layering
Similarly, the yellow starburst is on top of the pink square because
both objects are from the Shapes menu and the square was drawn first.
Shapes Layering
Objects from different menus are drawn on different relative layers.
Objects from the Lines and Dots menu as well as text and free hand drawings all occupy the same layer.
However, they are created on a layer that is above any of the objects from the Shapes menu.

To illustrate this, first draw a happy face using objects from the Lines and Dots menu as well as some text.
Now add an oval head.
Since the oval is from the Shapes menu, it appears below the objects you have already drawn.
Of course, drawing the oval first and then the face would also give this same image.
Happy Face
Changing Layers of Objects in the Workspace:

Click on any object to bring it to the top.
Notice, the selected square is now above the starburst.
The square stays on this higher level even after it is deselected.
Select To Change Layer
Double click on any object to send it to the lowest layer.
Here, the hop(smile) has been sent to the back.
The control points and editor buttons indicate it is hiding behind the oval, not deleted.



PDF Supports

Annotation Feature Tip Sheet

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